The purpose of PIP is to enable someone who has a disability to live, as far as possible, the life they wish to lead.
PIP scores your ability to do ten daily living activities.
All of the following statements score PIP Daily Living points:
I can’t do it unless…
I can’t do it unless I use an aid*…
I can’t do it unless I have physical help…
I can’t do it unless someone prompts me, or reminds me, or encourages me, or explains things to me…
I can’t do it unless someone is with me all the time I am doing it to keep me safe…
I can do it, but…
I can do it, but it takes me more than twice as long as it used to. To do it in a more reasonable time I would need aids, or physical help, or prompting/reminding/encouraging/explanations…
I can do it, but only at certain times in the day. To do it whenever I reasonably need to, I would need aids, or physical help or prompting/reminding/encouraging/explanations…
I can do it, but it causes a lot of pain, discomfort, dizzyness, vertigo, or other bad effects. To do it without too much pain or other bad effects I would need….
I can do it, but I have to take a long time to recover afterwards. To do it without wiping myself out I would need…
Even if I’ve got help…
Even if I have someone with me all the time I am doing it, I still can’t do it safely…
Even if I have aids, physical help, and prompting/reminding/encouraging/explanations I still can’t do it in a reasonable time…
Even if I have aids, physical help, and prompting/reminding/encouraging/explanations I still can’t do it whenever I need to…
Even if I have aids, physical help, and prompting/reminding/encouraging/explanations I still can’t do without too much pain and bad effects….
Even if I have aids, physical help, and prompting/reminding/encouraging/explanations I still can’t do at all…
* An Aid…
An aid is any physical object that you use now, that you would not need to use if you did not have your disability