Why Do This Course?
This course covers all the additional barriers to claiming for people who are non-UK nationals, or British citizens returning after living abroad.
We deal with the EU Settlement Scheme, habitual residence, right to reside, person subject to immigration control and recourse to public funds.
An essential course if you work with non-UK nationals.
By doing the course you will:
- Improve your knowledge of the relevant rules
- Enhance your confidence in dealing with them
Since Brexit the rules are continually being adjusted as different court cases take effect. And so the content of this course changes too. We cover:
- Leave – the different forms of permission to be in the UK
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- Victims of trafficking
- Person subject to immigration control – a rule that affects non-UK-non-EEA nationals
- No recourse to public funds – an immigration law that affects non-UK-non-EEA nationals
- Right to Reside – A rule that affects EEA nationals
- The EU Settlement Scheme – the post-Brexit system
- Habitual Residence – A rule that mostly affects EEA and British nationals
- Presence, past presence and ordinary residence rules